Siwei Liu

a picture of siwei liu

Position Title
Department of Human Ecology
human development, longitudinal methods


I am interested in methods to analyze longitudinal data and their applications in developmental and health psychology. my work combines multiple statistical frameworks, including multilevel modeling, structural equation modeling, time series analysis, and functional data analysis. My current research involves techniques for modeling synchrony and coregulatory processes in close relationships (e.g., parent-child, couples), and the applications of intensive longitudinal methods in health-related research (e.g., stress, physical activity, sleep). 

As a professor in human development and family studies, I strive to incorporate diverse perspectives in my research, teaching, and mentorship.  An ongoing research project in my lab addresses issues related to health disparity and environmental justice. Specifically, using a diverse sample from the Sacramento area, we try to understand how individual health behaviors and outcomes are affected by multi-layer contextual factors, such as perceived stress, family characteristics, and the built environment. The majority of students in my lab come from underrepresented populations, and we are always looking for motivated and talented individuals from diverse backgrounds to join us in our (fun) projects!